British Medical Journal calls for legalisation of drugs

The British Medical Journal has called for the legalisation of illicit drugs for the first time. Prohibition laws have failed to curb either supply or demand, reduce addiction, cut violence or reduce profits for organised crime, the journal argued, saying the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ had been a failure. It

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War on drugs has failed says one of the world’s top medical journals

The British Medical Journal’s warning is echoed by Lib Dem MP Nick Clegg, who calls for medicinal cannabis to be legalised. The war on drugs has failed and doctors should lead calls for change, one of the world’s top medical journals has said. The British Medical Journal says illegal drug

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Progress on the war on drugs

While Election Day in the US has left many of the causes we hold dearly at risk, there was a bright spark in efforts to end the failed war on drugs. California, Massachusetts and Nevada all legalised marijuana, while Florida, Arkansas and North Dakota all approved medical marijuana. As the

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Interview with Commissioner Obasanjo: “Der Drogenhandel in Westafrika muss durchdachter bekämpft werden”

Wohl wird nur ein Bruchteil des weltweit geschmuggelten Kokains in Westafrika umgeschlagen. Die erzielten Umsätze übersteigen aber die Budgets mancher Staaten. Eine intelligentere Antidrogenpolitik müsste sich auf die Bekämpfung der Folgen in den einzelnen Ländern konzentrieren. Dafür braucht Westafrika die Hilfe seiner Partner. „Die Polizei nahm mich fest. Als wir

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L’échec de la répression: la prohibition du cannabis ne fonctionne pas, plaide l’ex-présidente de la Suisse

GENÈVE | L’ex-présidente de la Suisse Ruth Dreifuss ne mâche pas ses mots lorsque vient le temps de donner son avis sur la répression actuelle en matière de stupéfiants, une mesure qu’elle qualifie de «stupide, contre-productive et contraire aux droits de l’homme». La prohibition du cannabis ne fonctionne pas, plaide

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Regional drugs response reflects global policies

Co-signed by Ruth Dreifuss, former President of Switzerland and Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson-Miller, former Prime Minister of Jamaica, and Senator Mark Golding, former Minister of Justice of Jamaica The Caribbean has been a major cocaine trafficking route for the last 50

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To the President of the Philippines

The Global Commission on Drug Policy was born from the recognition that the prohibitionist and repressive “war on drugs,” which has persisted for the past 50 years, has failed. Drugs have always existed and have existed everywhere, and it is illusory to believe that their use can be eradicated completely,

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Descriminalización de drogas

COLABORADOR INVITADO / Olusegun Obasanjo y Ricardo Lagos y Ruth Dreifuss 07 Sep. 2016 El 2016 ha sido un año fundamental para la política de drogas a nivel global. La evaluación de más de cincuenta años de un régimen prohibicionista ha resultado en reformas en países tan diversos como Jamaica,

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La répression de la consommation de drogues renforce les organisations criminelles

Tant qu’existera un marché noir, tant que les consommateurs et les petits acteurs non violents du marché seront criminalisés, la répression continuera de faire des ravages, estiment Ruth Dreifuss, Ricardo Lagos et Olusegun Obasanjo, respectivement anciens présidents de la Confédération suisse, du Chili et du Nigéria. 2016 est, au niveau mondial,

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Después de la UNGASS 2016: el fin de la criminalización de las drogas es el único camino

Mientras siga existiendo un mercado negro billionario; mientras los usuarios y los actores a menor escala en el mercado sean criminalizados y encarcelados; y mientras que el crimen organizado tenga acceso a este atractivo flujo de ingresos, el control de la droga continuará causando estragos en nuestras sociedades. por Presidentes

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