Khalid Tinasti in EUObserver: “Luxembourg’s cannabis legalisation is EU opportunity”

Read original article in EUObserver. Luxembourg’s cannabis legalisation is EU opportunity The announcement that Luxembourg would legalise and regulate cannabis for recreational purposes attracted much media attention this summer. Similar to the outcome of similar discussions that took place in Canada, Uruguay, and many US states, Luxembourg authorities reached the

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Commissioner Maria Cattaui speaks to Bloomberg about the need to regulate all drugs

States should take charge of and regulate all drugs: Global Commission on Drug Policy The Global Commission on Drug Policy says that in a perfect world, states would take charge and regulate all drugs. For more on this, BNN Bloomberg spoke with commissioner Maria Cattaui. Link to video

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Commissioners Branson and Cattaui in Cannabis Pro/Globe and Mail: “Cannabis in the Americas: It’s time to talk about marijuana policy”

In this opinion piece, Sir Richard Branson and Maria Cattaui highlight the need for an effective regulatory framework for the growing international medical cannabis production and trade. Indeed, legalization is helping to end many of the harms related to decades-old prohibition; we must now ensure that we do not create

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Op-Ed by Commissioner Helen Clark in The Guardian: “Cannabis prohibition doesn’t work anywhere. It’s New Zealand’s turn to legalise it”

Read original article in The Guardian. Cannabis prohibition doesn’t work anywhere. It’s New Zealand’s turn to legalise it In New Zealand, cannabis is classified as an illegal drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. Its possession, use and supply are subject variously to penalties ranging in severity from fines to

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Interview with Commissioner Helen Clark on the 2020 Referendum in New Zealand to legalize cannabis

Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, gave her support to a YES vote in the upcoming cannabis referendum. On 4 September, the Helen Clark Foundation released a report outlining the reasons

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Commissioner Gallop in The Sydney Morning Herald: Former WA premier Geoff Gallop appointed to drug reform think tank

Read original article in The Sydney Morning Herald Former West Australian premier Geoff Gallop says he will be “knocking on the door of governments” after becoming the first Australian to join other world leaders on the panel of an international think tank on drug reform. Dr Gallop, an Emeritus Professor

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Op-Ed in Le Monde: « La politique publique sur la consommation de stupefiants devrait etre evaluee de maniere independante »

Tribune signée par: Philippe de Botton, president  de Medecins  du Monde; Sana de Courcelles, directrice executive et professeure affiliee it l’Ecole d’Affaires publiques de Sciences po; Pierre-Yves Geoffard, directeur de l’Ecole d’economie de Paris, directeur d’etudes it l’EHESS et directeur de recherche au CNRS; Michel Kazatchkine, ancien directeur executif du

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Commissioner Michel Kazatchine and Executive Secretary Khalid Tinasti sign a call in L’OBS for the legalization of cannabis in France

Read original article in L’OBS. « Pourquoi nous voulons légaliser le cannabis » La une de « l’Obs », du 20 au 26 juin 2019. (« L’Obs ») EXCLUSIF. Dénonçant la faillite de la politique de répression, 70 personnalités – Glucksmann, Jadot, Kouchner… – appellent à la légalisation du cannabis. En matière de cannabis, le

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Khalid Tinasti dans L’Economiste: “Cannabis: Le commerce international s’organise… sauf au Maroc”

Lire l’article original dans L’Économiste Depuis 2013, pas moins de dix Etats américains et la capitale fédérale, ainsi que le Canada et l’Uruguay, ont autorisé l’usage légal du cannabis pour leurs résidents adultes. Dans les mois qui viennent, le Mexique, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas et la Nouvelle Zélande leur emboïteront le

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Khalid Tinasti dans Les Échos: “Légalisation du cannabis au Luxembourg : quelles conséquences pour la France?”

Lire l’article original dans Les Échos. LE CERCLE/POINT DE VUE – Le Grand-Duché envisage de dépénaliser la production et l’usage récréatif du cannabis. Dans cette hypothèse, la France sera contrainte de s’adapter. A la suite des élections législatives du mois d’octobre au Luxembourg, la coalition du centre menée par le Premier ministre

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