“Admettons nos erreurs.”

Lire l’original sur Jeune Afrique . – Lorsque nous dirigions nos pays respectifs, le Nigéria et l’Afrique du Sud – les deux plus importantes économies du continent – nos gouvernements rêvaient d’accomplir bien des choses. Entre autres, de créer des sociétés exemptes de drogues. Nous avions tort. Nous avions tort

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“Let’s admit we were wrong.”

See the original article on Africa Report . – When we were Presidents of Nigeria and South Africa – the largest economies on the continent – our Administrations dreamt of many things. One in particular was to create drug-free societies. We were wrong. We were wrong because we thought prohibition,

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Olusegun Obasanjo calls for the decriminalization of drug use and possession in the Ghanaian Times

Read original article in The Ghanaian Times Decriminalization of personal use is a responsible pathway to controlling drugs Similar to other countries in the region, Ghana is experiencing growing drug availability, trafficking and consumption. This phenomenon, more and more visible and problematic for a decade now, is related to the

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Commissioner Obasanjo on the Model Drug Law for West Africa and the need for sensible drug policies

Read the original article on Medium. Replacing the War on Drugs: it is time for sensible drug policies Peace and war take many forms. When US President Nixon declared a War on Drugs in 1971 it sounded like a swift concerted effort after which there would be peace, something better

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