ABC News Australia: “Drug decriminalisation a ‘blindingly obvious’ solution for Australia”

Read original article in ABC News Australia.   Medical, legal and religious groups have joined forces to call for drugs to be decriminalised in Australia, arguing addiction should be treated as a health issue rather than a criminal one. The Fair Treatment campaign is being led by the Uniting Church with

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Commissioner Branson in The Australian: “Casualties pile up in ‘war on drugs'”

Opinion piece in The Australian by Sir Richard Branson, member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, on how Australia can reduce drug dependency and save lives by decriminalizing psychoactive substances. Read article.

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Metro UK: “Former world leaders call for worldwide legalisation as ‘war on drugs has failed’”

Read original article in Metro UK. A group including 12 former heads of state has called for drugs to be legalised worldwide, as the war on drugs has ‘failed’, a report published today said. The report ‘Regulation: The Responsible Control of Drugs’ by the Global Commission on Drug Policy found

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El País: El expresidente Zedillo urge a México a pasar de la prohibición a la regulación de las drogas (Former president Zedillo urges Mexico to go from prohibition to regulation of drugs)

Read original article in El País. La guerra global contra las drogas ha fracasado y México es el mejor ejemplo de ello. Así de contundente se muestra un grupo de especialistas de la Universidad de Yale y del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) capitaneado por el expresidente mexicano Ernesto

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Statement of the Global Commission on Drug Policy on the “Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem”

(Geneva, 23 September) The Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem, hosted by the US Administration on 24 September at the UN, signals the continuation of inefficient, costly and harmful policies. These policies result in punitive law enforcement, militarization, mass incarceration, forced treatment, and broken families and communities.

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Commissioner Obasanjo in Project Syndicate: “West Africa’s Failed War on Drugs”

Read original article in Project Syndicate. The region’s drug laws are in desperate need of reform. To reduce the harm caused by the illegal drug trade while maintaining access to essential medicines and services, governments must stop punishing addicts. LAGOS – No matter where you look in West Africa, drug laws

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Ruth Dreifuss et Pedro Pires dans Jeune Afrique: “Il faut innover en matière de lutte anti-drogue”

“Les lois actuelles sur les drogues en Afrique de l’Ouest sont loin de produire les résultats escomptés : les trafiquants se servent des côtes et du Sahara pour le transit de la cocaïne acheminée vers l’Europe et la consommation locale ne cesse d’augmenter. Les réponses publiques basées sur la prohibition sont

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Khalid Tinasti, Secrétaire exécutif dans Les Échos: “Vers une coalition mondiale de commerce du cannabis?”

Les pays qui légalisent et régulent le cannabis lancent une réflexion générale sur leur capacité à pouvoir produire et commercialiser du cannabis entre eux, sans porter atteinte au paradigme de prohibition en place dans le reste du monde. Une gageure. Lire l’article original dans Les Échos. Le débat national autour du cannabis  s’est

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The Global Commission on Drug Policy Mourns the Loss of Kofi Annan

(Geneva, 18 August 2018) It is with deep sadness and a tremendous sense of loss that the members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy have learned of the passing of their esteemed colleague Kofi Annan on Saturday, 18 August 2018.                   

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Michel Kazatchkine: “Drug Control: Time to Right the Wrong Policies”

Read original article in The Parliament of Georgia is currently engaged in a promising debate to reform its drug laws, possibly by ending the criminalization of drug use and possession, and seeking alternatives for low-level actors in the drug trade. This would go a long way to enacting an effective drug

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