Drugo wins the Cannes Gold Lion Award
We are pleased to announce that the short animation, Drugo, produced by the Global Commission and Almap BB has won the Cannes Gold Lions award in Animation! You may watch the animation again here. It currently has over 135, 000 views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csnTAz0Sth8 Media stories on the win can be found here: http://g1.globo.com/economia/midia-e-marketing/noticia/2015/06/brasil-conquista-108-leoes-no-festival-de-publicidade-de-cannes.html
Support Don’t Punish Events around the World
On Friday, 26th June 2015, more than 140 cities around the world will be holding actions to highlight the harm that is being caused by the war on drugs. This Global Day of Action is part of the worldwide Support Don’t Punish campaign which advocates for harm reduction, policy reform,
Commissioner Dreifuss speech at University of Iceland
Commissioner Ruth Dreifuss, former President of Switzerland, recently spoke at the University of Iceland on drug policy reform. Watch the whole speech here.
What happened when Portugal decriminalised drugs?
Economist Films: For 20 years The Economist has led calls for a rethink on drug prohibition. This film looks at new approaches to drugs policy, from Portugal to Colorado. “Drugs: War or Store?” kicks off our new “Global Compass” series, examining novel approaches to policy problems. Global Commission member and
Speech of Commissioner Kofi Annan, 68th World Health Assembly
Towards UNGASS 2016: Strengthening a public health approach when addressing the world drug problem 19 May 2015, 18.00, Palais des Nations, Salle VII Madame Dreifuss, Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, First of all I would like to thank the eleven governments who organized this meeting for inviting me to
Russian Drug Czar Recommends Russia Revises Laws that Target Drug Users, Suggests Treatment Instead of Criminalization
Russian paper Kommersant and Ria News report on Russian Drug Control Agency’s (FSKN) Viktor Ivanov call to revise the legal responsibility for possession of drugs without the intent to sell, in the amount sufficient for limited dealing, large-scale dealing, and operating organized networks. Currently, these crimes are viewed as gross
A Call for a Stronger Voice from Europe in the Drug Policy Debate
Brussels, 27 January 2015 The Global Commission on Drug Policy was established in 2010 by political leaders, cultural figures and globally influential personalities. It aims at advancing drug policy reform and boosting the ongoing world debate. Its objective is to promote science-based, humane and effective ways to reduce the