Ruth Dreifuss in The Jakarta Post: “Discourse: Decriminalizing drugs for public health”
Read original article in The Jakarta Post Switzerland’s drastic change in drug policy followed soaring HIV infection rates related to a heroin epidemic in the late 1980s and 1990s. Switzerland introduced substitution treatment and other harm reduction measures such as supervised injection rooms, which reportedly decreased incidences of drug users
Ruth Dreifuss in Malaysiakini: “Ex-Swiss president: War on drugs failed, treating addicts as patients will work”
Read original article in Malaysiakini INTERVIEW | Thirty years ago, Switzerland was facing a drug crisis. It had the highest HIV infection rate in Western Europe and up to 1,000 drug users gathered daily in Zurich’s infamous Platzspitz park, dubbed “needle park.” Realising that the “war on drugs” was an
José Ramos-Horta in Berita Benar: “Ramos-Horta Minta Indonesia Manusiawi Perlakukan Pengguna Narkoba” (Ramos-Horta asks Indonesia to treat people who use drugs more humanely)
Read original article in Berita Benar Mantan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Timor Leste, Jose Ramos-Horta, 70, berharap pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan hukum yang lebih manusiawi terhadap pengguna narkotika dan obat-obatan terlarang (narkoba) serta menghentikan hukuman mati untuk pengedar. “Sebagai negara yang demokratis dengan masyarakat yang toleran, Indonesia harusnya bisa memberlakukan aturan
Khalid Tinasti dans l’Orient Le Jour: “Les conséquences de la classification dépassée des drogues” (The consequences of outdated drug classification)
Lire l’article orginal dans l’Orient Le Jour. Légales, illégales, licites, illicites, prescrites, proscrites, promues, diabolisées, célébrées, honnies… la liste des caractéristiques présumées ou réelles des substances provoquant un effet psychoactif est longue. Il en est de même de la méconnaissance générale de ces substances, autant de leurs bienfaits que de
PRESS RELEASE: The Members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy Mourn the Death of Paul Volcker
(Geneva, 10 December 2019) The members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy have learned, with deep sadness, of the passing on Sunday 8 December of their esteemed colleague Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve. Paul Volcker believed profoundly in the right of every person to the same
Interview on Medi1 on the Model Drug Law for West Africa, winning project at the Paris Peace Forum
At the Paris Peace Forum 2019, the Model Drug Law for West Africa by the West Africa Commission on Drugs and the Kofi Annan Foundation was selected as one of ten winning projects. Interview on Medi1 with Christine Kafando, member of the West Africa Commission on Drugs: Link to podcast.
PRESS RELEASE: Model Drug Law for West Africa selected as one of ten winning projects at the Paris Peace Forum 2019
Télécharger le communiqué en français (Geneva, 13 November 2019) The West Africa Commission on Drugs and the Global Commission on Drug Policy are honored that the Model Drug Law for West Africa was selected as one of ten winning projects at the Paris Peace Forum 2019 among the 114 showcased.
Olusegun Obasanjo calls for the decriminalization of drug use and possession in the Ghanaian Times
Read original article in The Ghanaian Times Decriminalization of personal use is a responsible pathway to controlling drugs Similar to other countries in the region, Ghana is experiencing growing drug availability, trafficking and consumption. This phenomenon, more and more visible and problematic for a decade now, is related to the