Interview with Ruth Dreifuss in Diario de Noticias: ‘Drogas: “Cuidado, Portugal, não se demorem muito na vanguarda”‘

Read original article on Diario de Noticias.   Drogas: “Cuidado, Portugal, não se demorem muito na vanguarda” Apontado no mundo como um exemplo na política das drogas, devido à descriminalização levada a cabo há 20 anos, o país corre o risco de ficar para trás, diz a presidente da Comissão

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Commissioner Ramos-Horta in WSJ International: “Humane Approaches to Drugs – Reducing harms while sparing lives”

Read original article in Wall Street Journal International magazine. by José Ramos-Horta, former President of Timor-Leste and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate The Frenchman Felix Dorfin is the latest of many drug traffickers sentenced to death in Indonesia under the country’s harsh laws on drug trafficking offences. Indonesia is not alone. With a

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Commissioner Michel Kazatchine and Executive Secretary Khalid Tinasti sign a call in L’OBS for the legalization of cannabis in France

Read original article in L’OBS. « Pourquoi nous voulons légaliser le cannabis » La une de « l’Obs », du 20 au 26 juin 2019. (« L’Obs ») EXCLUSIF. Dénonçant la faillite de la politique de répression, 70 personnalités – Glucksmann, Jadot, Kouchner… – appellent à la légalisation du cannabis. En matière de cannabis, le

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PRESS RELEASE: Launch of new position paper “Drug Policy and Deprivation of Liberty”

(Stockholm, 13 June 2019) The Global Commission on Drug Policy today releases Drug Policy and Deprivation of Liberty, a new position paper focusing on the “perfect storm” created by current drug policies, incarceration, prison overcrowding and inadequate health care for people who use drugs. Detention fuels the spread of infectious

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PRESS RELEASE: Model Drug Law for West Africa presented to ministers of health on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the World Health Assembly

Télécharger la version française GENEVA, 22 May 2019—The West Africa Commission on Drugs, UNAIDS and the Global Commission on Drug Policy today presented the Model Drug Law for West Africa to ministers of health of the Economic Community of West African States. Drug laws in western Africa are not having

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Ruth Dreifuss, Vorsitzende der Weltkommission, schreibt über Kofi Annan und Drogenpolitik in dem Tagesanzeiger

Eine fortschrittliche Drogenpolitik ist ganz im Sinne von Kofi Annan Der verstorbene UNO-Generalsekretär hat sich für eine Drogenpolitik eingesetzt, die Konsumenten entkriminalisiert und ihnen Zugang zu Medikamenten verschafft. Seine Arbeit wird fortgesetzt. In Genf treffen nächste Woche Vertreter aller Länder zur Weltgesundheitsversammlung zusammen. Einer jedoch, der viel dafür getan hat,

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Michel Kazatchkine and Mary Chinery-Hesse in EUObserver: “A fundamental contradiction in EU drug policy”

Read original article in EUObserver By Michel Kazatchkine, former director of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy; and Mary Chinery-Hesse, Chancellor of the university of Ghana and member of the West Africa Commission on Drugs. Over the past

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Press Release: The Global Commission welcomes Kgalema Motlanthe and Cassam Uteem as new members

Geneva, 27 March 2019 The Global Commission on Drug Policy is honored and delighted to welcome as distinguished new members, Kgalema Motlanthe, former President of South Africa (2008-2009), and Cassam Uteem, former President of Mauritius (1992-2002). Kgalema Motlanthe was politically active from an early age, serving in the ANC (African

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Commissioners Arbour and ElBaradei in The Guardian: “The campaign for a ‘drug-free world’ is costing lives”

Read original article in The Guardian Drug control efforts across the world are a threat to human dignity and the right to life. In 2017, more than 70,000 people died from a drug overdose in the US. Among the reasons for these deaths are the lack of access to health and harm-reduction services,

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Commissioners Dreifuss, Santos and Zedillo, Project Syndicate: “Legalization Is the Only Viable Drug Policy”

Read original article on Project Syndicate After decades of wasted money and lost lives, it is time for governments to stop prosecuting a futile war on psychoactive substances, and instead embrace drug legalization and regulation. Only by taking back control of the drug market from criminals can policymakers begin to

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