Interview with Ruth Dreifuss in Processo: “Amnistía, para delincuentes menores ligados al narco, para grandes capos no”
Read original article in Proceso. GINEBRA (apro).- En México, la guerra contra las drogas ha dejado al menos 150 mil muertos y más de 32 mil desaparecidos y miles de detenidos, muchos de ellos por delitos menores relacionados al consumo y cultivo de drogas. En ese sentido, la presidenta de
Fair Treatment Campaign launched at Town Hall (Sydney, AU)
Read original article in Insights. The Uniting Church campaign calling on the Australian government to reform drug policy, was officially launched today (12 October) by Sir Richard Branson in front of a crowd of 2,000 people at Sydney Town Hall. Fair Treatment is a grassroots campaign that seeks the decriminalisation
ABC News Australia: “Drug decriminalisation a ‘blindingly obvious’ solution for Australia”
Read original article in ABC News Australia. Medical, legal and religious groups have joined forces to call for drugs to be decriminalised in Australia, arguing addiction should be treated as a health issue rather than a criminal one. The Fair Treatment campaign is being led by the Uniting Church with
Commissioner Branson in The Australian: “Casualties pile up in ‘war on drugs'”
Opinion piece in The Australian by Sir Richard Branson, member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, on how Australia can reduce drug dependency and save lives by decriminalizing psychoactive substances. Read article.
The Intercept: Trump gets 100 countries to sign on to his U.N. drug war plan, ignoring changing thinking on human rights and legalization
Read original article in The Intercept. THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION announced last week that it would kick off the United Nations General Assembly with an event inviting member states to join a revamped U.S. war on drugs. On Monday, Donald Trump got his drug meeting — but not quite everyone signed on. Billed as
NZZ: Wie Mexiko den Drogenkrieg beenden will – und was Ruth Dreifuss davon hält
(How Mexico wants to end the war on drugs – and what Ruth Dreifuss thinks about that). Read original article in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Zwei internationale Treffen verdeutlichten am Montag, wie sehr sich die Geister an der Frage des Umgangs mit illegalen Rauschmitteln scheiden. In Lateinamerika wird die Entkriminalisierung
Metro UK: “Former world leaders call for worldwide legalisation as ‘war on drugs has failed’”
Read original article in Metro UK. A group including 12 former heads of state has called for drugs to be legalised worldwide, as the war on drugs has ‘failed’, a report published today said. The report ‘Regulation: The Responsible Control of Drugs’ by the Global Commission on Drug Policy found
El País: El expresidente Zedillo urge a México a pasar de la prohibición a la regulación de las drogas (Former president Zedillo urges Mexico to go from prohibition to regulation of drugs)
Read original article in El País. La guerra global contra las drogas ha fracasado y México es el mejor ejemplo de ello. Así de contundente se muestra un grupo de especialistas de la Universidad de Yale y del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) capitaneado por el expresidente mexicano Ernesto
El Universal: México está listo para regular drogas: César Gaviria (Mexico is ready to regulate drugs)
Read original article at El Universal.
Statement of the Global Commission on Drug Policy on the “Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem”
(Geneva, 23 September) The Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem, hosted by the US Administration on 24 September at the UN, signals the continuation of inefficient, costly and harmful policies. These policies result in punitive law enforcement, militarization, mass incarceration, forced treatment, and broken families and communities.