Statement of the Global Commission on Drug Policy on the “Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem”
(Geneva, 23 September) The Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem, hosted by the US Administration on 24 September at the UN, signals the continuation of inefficient, costly and harmful policies. These policies result in punitive law enforcement, militarization, mass incarceration, forced treatment, and broken families and communities.
EFE: Ernesto Zedillo reconoce mala estrategia en su sexenio (Commissioner Zedillo recognizes failed strategy of prohibition)
Ernesto Zedillo critica guerra contra el narcotráfico, reconoce mala estrategia en su sexenio Regeneración, 24 de septiembre del 2018.-Durante la presentación del Segundo informe de la Comisión Global de Política de Drogas, el expresidente de México, Ernesto Zedillo, reconoció que siguió “políticas equivocadas” en el tema de las drogas y
Globe and Mail: “Commission calls for ‘responsible control’ of illicit drugs through legalization, regulation”
Read original article on Globe and Mail. ANDREA WOO PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 24, 2018UPDATED SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 A commission comprising of former heads of state and international experts is calling for the “responsible control” of currently illicit drugs through legalization and regulation. But Canada is just weeks away from cannabis legalization and
Globe and Mail: “Canada signs on to U.S.-led renewal of war on drugs”
Read original article in Globe and Mail. Canada was rebuked on Monday by a group of world leaders and experts on drug policy for endorsing a Trump-led declaration renewing the “war on drugs” and for passing up a critical moment to provide global leadership on drug regulation. The Trudeau government’s decision
TMN: “America’s ‘new’ global anti-drug plan embraces old-school eradication policies”
Read original article in Talk Media News. UNITED NATIONS — President Trump kicked off a busy week at the U.N. on Monday, hosting a meeting on the “world drug problem.” The U.S.-sponsored event was invite-only, and to earn a spot in the room, countries needed to sign on to a four-part
New Straits Times, Malaysia: “Practical road map to tackle drug menace”
POLICY published its new report, “Regulation — The Responsible Control of Drugs”, at a press conference in Mexico City, followed by a public event. The report examines how governments can take control of illegal drug markets through responsible regulation, thereby weakening criminal organisations that profit from them. The report also
Commissioner Obasanjo in Project Syndicate: “West Africa’s Failed War on Drugs”
Read original article in Project Syndicate. The region’s drug laws are in desperate need of reform. To reduce the harm caused by the illegal drug trade while maintaining access to essential medicines and services, governments must stop punishing addicts. LAGOS – No matter where you look in West Africa, drug laws
ARD/Tagesshau: “Drogenhandel staatlich regulieren?” (Government-regulated drug markets?)
Read original article on Tagesshau. Listen to audio interview with Ruth Dreifuss. Von Anne-Katrin Mellmann, ARD-Studio Mexiko-Stadt Die Weltkommission für Drogenpolitik will die Märkte staatlich regulieren. Das sei der effektivste Weg, um die Probleme in den Griff zu bekommen, sagte deren Präsidentin Dreifuss. Schon seit ihrer Gründung vor sieben Jahren
DPA/Die Zeit: “Staaten müssen laut Kommission den Drogenhandel regulieren”
According to the Commission, States must regulate drug markets. Read original article on Zeitonline. Rund 250 Millionen Menschen weltweit konsumieren illegale Drogen. Ein internationales Gremium empfiehlt den Staaten, in die Produktion und den Handel einzugreifen. Die Weltkommission für Drogenpolitik sieht eine Regulierung der Drogenmärkte als den effektivsten Weg, um die Probleme in
Commissioner Bém, Dreifuss and Kazatchkine in BMJ: “Why doctors should support regulated markets in illicit drugs”
Read original article in BMJ. Drug policy affects health. Legalisation is needed not because drugs are safe but because they are risky, write members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Michel Kazatchkine, Pavel Bém, and Ruth Dreifuss Doctors are well aware of the health risks associated with different illicit drugs. What