Commissioner Solana: All drug policy roads lead to Vienna in 2019
Read original article in Der Standard Austria has always had a unique role in international drug policy, being the host and the defender of the multilateral organizations that define drug control measures. This role is further enhanced as the country assumes the EU Council Presidency for the next six months, and
The Global Commission on Drug Policy Mourns the Passing of Thorvald Stoltenberg
(Geneva, 13 March 2018) It is with deep sadness that the members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy learned of the death of their esteemed colleague Thorvald Stoltenberg, on 13 July 2018. A human rights and social justice champion, Mr. Stoltenberg spent a lifetime serving the Norwegian people and
Commissioners Clegg and Kazatchkine in Science et Avenir: “Lutte contre les drogues : “‘L’approche prohibitive ne protège pas nos enfants’, affirme Nick Clegg”
War against drugs: “Repressive drug policies do not protect our children”, says Nick Clegg. Read the original interview in Science et Avenir. Lutte contre les drogues : “L’approche prohibitive ne protège pas nos enfants”, affirme Nick Clegg Par Dominique Leglu le 12.07.2018 à 18h23 L’ex-vice Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni Nicholas Clegg est membre de
Commissioners Dreifuss and Ramos-Horta: “Anti-drug drive” threatens development
Read original article in The Daily Star One of the most densely populated countries in the world, Bangladesh faces formidable challenges to eradicate poverty and provide sustainable development to its communities. Yet the country has been successful in the past decade in rising to these challenges. According to the World Bank,
Khalid Tinasti in L’Economiste, Morocco: “Le développement durable à l’épreuve des marchés illégaux”
Lire l’article original dans L’Economiste. Le Maroc a réussi à développer une des économies émergentes les plus vibrantes d’Afrique. Par conséquent, le pays fait face à la majorité des défis économiques et sociaux contemporains, d’une urbanisation galopante aux effets du changement climatique, des disparités économiques à l’iniquité dans l’accès aux
Michel Kazatchkine: “la politique de répression ne fonctionne pas”
Lire l’article original dans Sciences et Avenir << Pour Michel Kazatchkine, médecin et diplomate, l’argent investi dans une répression policière inefficace devrait être réaffecté à une politique de soins et à la lutte contre la grande criminalité. >>
Commissioner Branson: “Can drug policy reform come to the UK too?”
Read original article on Heartened to see UK political leaders from across the political spectrum come to admit that the war on drugs has been “comprehensively lost”, an epic failure that has cost tens of thousands of lives the world over and billions in taxpayer funds. Image from
Commissioners Sampaio, Clark and Kwasniewski also in El Espectador: “El proceso de paz está por encima de la política”, dice Comisión Global de Políticas de Drogas
Read original in El Espectador A propósito de las elecciones del próximo domingo en Colombia, pronunciamiento en carta abierta de este grupo de notables internacionales, encargado, junto con Naciones Unidas, del monitoreo y verificación del punto 4 del Acuerdo de paz con las Farc. La Comisión informó que su mensaje de
Commissioners Sampaio, Clark and Kwasniewski in El Tiempo: “Exmandatarios piden a Colombia seguir con la sustitución de cultivos””
Global Commissioners Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, and Aleksander Kwasniewski, former President of Poland, write and the need to maintain the peace agreement in Colombia and respect engagements made to coca crop farmers.
Khalid Tinasti on CNN Money Switzerland: “Failing drug policies require new approach”
Executive Secretary Khalid Tinasti presents the views and positions of the Global Commission on Drug Policy in an interview with CNN Money Switzerland.