Speech of Commissioner Kofi Annan, 68th World Health Assembly
Towards UNGASS 2016: Strengthening a public health approach when addressing the world drug problem 19 May 2015, 18.00, Palais des Nations, Salle VII Madame Dreifuss, Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, First of all I would like to thank the eleven governments who organized this meeting for inviting me to
Russian Drug Czar Recommends Russia Revises Laws that Target Drug Users, Suggests Treatment Instead of Criminalization
Russian paper Kommersant and Ria News report on Russian Drug Control Agency’s (FSKN) Viktor Ivanov call to revise the legal responsibility for possession of drugs without the intent to sell, in the amount sufficient for limited dealing, large-scale dealing, and operating organized networks. Currently, these crimes are viewed as gross
Measurement Matters: Designing New Metrics for a Drug Policy that Works
Measurement Matters introduces a preliminary set of goals, targets and indicators to help guide governments, law enforcement agencies, health institutions and civil society craft more effective and efficient drug policy. It is based on interviews with more than 50 of the world´s leading drug policy experts and a review of
Ernesto Zedillo on CNN
Last Sunday, on the Fareed Zakaria TV show on CNN, Ernesto Zedillo, the former President of Mexico and Ethan Nadelmann, from the Drug Policy Alliance, participated in an interview and debate about the failed drug war with a focus on the regulation debate. The full video is available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8qZ1ORocl8&feature=youtu.be
French media featuring the Global Commission
Canal +, a French channel, produced an excellent documentary on the war on drugs, on the show called “la nouvelle edition” last October 20th, and the Global Commission was featured: http://www.canalplus.fr/c-infos-documentaires/c-la-nouvelle-edition/pid7023-les-reportages.html?vid=1151250 Commissioners Dreifuss and Kazatchkine participated in a round table on drugs, “Affaires Etrangeres” on France Culture aired on Oct 25:
More Police or More Doctors? How to Best Tackle Illicit Drugs: November 6, 2014
In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared the beginning of the US-led war on drugs. Over forty years later, the illegal narcotics trade is worth an estimated $332 billion, costs law enforcement an estimated $100 billion per annum and has seen an increase in users worldwide from 203 million in 2008
Drug prohibition: the end of the road
A team of the Radio Television Suisse, the Swiss broadcasting channel in French, filmed the Global Commission on Drug Policy during its 2013 Plenary meeting in Geneva, and interviewed several commissioners for its documentary “Drug prohibition: the end of the road”. The documentary showcases the failure of the war on
New Report: World Leaders Call For Ending Criminalization of Drug Use and Possession and Responsible Legal Regulation of Psychoactive Substances
Former Presidents of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland Join With Kofi Annan, Richard Branson, George Shultz, Paul Volcker And Others To Make Bold, New Recommendations for Major Paradigm Shift in Global Drug Policy on the Road to UN Special Session on Drugs in 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY &
World Leaders to Make Bold, Groundbreaking Recommendations for Major Paradigm Shift in Global Drug Policy
Kofi Annan, Richard Branson, George Shultz, Paul Volcker and Others Join With Former Presidents of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland Live-Stream of Press Conference: Tuesday, 9:45am (ET) / 1:45pm (GMT) On Tuesday, September 9, the Global Commission on Drug Policy will release Taking Control: Pathways to Drug Policies that Work, a new,