Commissioner Gallop presents the case for legalizing cannabis on WA Drive, ABC radio, Australia

Dr Geoff Gallop, former Premier of Western Australia, makes the case for a pragmatic and health-centered drug policy, including the legal regulation of cannabis.

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Interview with Commissioner Helen Clark on the 2020 Referendum in New Zealand to legalize cannabis

Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, gave her support to a YES vote in the upcoming cannabis referendum. On 4 September, the Helen Clark Foundation released a report outlining the reasons

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Part II of Ruth Dreifuss interview with 95bFM, New Zealand

Listen to interview. Ruth Dreifuss discusses on radio 95bFM in New Zealand the Global Commission’s recent report, Regulation: the responsible control of drugs, and talks about what the current global drug control stance, the cultural difference between alcohol and drugs and what is meant by regulation. (This is part II of a series

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Ruth Dreifuss on 95bFM, New Zealand: “Drug Regulation Over Prohibition”

Listen to interview. Ruth Dreifuss discusses on radio 95bFM in New Zealand the Global Commission’s recent report, Regulation: the responsible control of drugs, and talks about what the current global drug control stance, the cultural difference between alcohol and drugs and what is meant by regulation. (This is part I of a series

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