Commissioner Kazatchkine in BMJ: “The time has come to implement harm reduction policies in Eastern Europe and central Asia”
Read original article in the British Medical Journal The evidence is clear, Eastern European and Central Asian countries should adopt opioid maintenance therapy and needle exchanges to curb HIV and Hep C outbreaks, says Michel Kazatchkine For many years, evidence has shown the effectiveness of opioid maintenance therapy in the treatment
Commissioner Bém, Dreifuss and Kazatchkine in BMJ: “Why doctors should support regulated markets in illicit drugs”
Read original article in BMJ. Drug policy affects health. Legalisation is needed not because drugs are safe but because they are risky, write members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Michel Kazatchkine, Pavel Bém, and Ruth Dreifuss Doctors are well aware of the health risks associated with different illicit drugs. What