Khalid Tinasti dans l’Orient Le Jour: “Les conséquences de la classification dépassée des drogues” (The consequences of outdated drug classification)
Lire l’article orginal dans l’Orient Le Jour. Légales, illégales, licites, illicites, prescrites, proscrites, promues, diabolisées, célébrées, honnies… la liste des caractéristiques présumées ou réelles des substances provoquant un effet psychoactif est longue. Il en est de même de la méconnaissance générale de ces substances, autant de leurs bienfaits que de
Global Commission Leaders Issue Call to Decriminalize Drugs for Public Health and Human Rights
At a press conference in Washington, DC yesterday, five members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy—a 23-person body comprising nine former presidents or prime ministers, plus leaders like former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan—released “Advancing Drug Policy Reform: A new approach to decriminalization.” Drug prohibition, said Ruth Dreifuss, former president of Switzerland and
World leaders call for legalisation of drugs
World leaders have called for an end to the criminalisation of drugs. The Global Commission on Drug Policy’s annual report advocates the removal of both civil and criminal penalties for drug use and possession. Prohibition of drugs has had “little or no impact” on the rate of drug use, the
Decriminalizing of drugs, the only pathway by Presidents Obasanjo, Lagos and Dreifuss
Drug trafficking and the black market are, to a large extent, a direct consequence of the international drug control system and the national laws that are derived therefrom. 2016 has been a pivotal year for drug policy on a global level. THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 2016. BRENNAN LINSLEY/AP/SIPA The review of
An inspirational novelty in drug policy – José Ramos-Horta
By José Ramos-Horta Read the original article on Times Malta Malta’s pragmatic cannabis control reform will inspire other countries Cannabis is the most widely used illegal substance around the world, accounting for an estimated 192 million consumers out of the 269 million people reported to have used drugs in 2018.