Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria, interviewed by Portuguese news agency LUSA
Read original article on RTP. A guerra contra a droga baseada na proibição falhou diz Ex-PR Obasanjo (The war on drugs based on prohibition has failed) O presidente da Comissão Oeste Africana sobre Drogas disse hoje que a guerra contra a droga falhou, defendendo uma nova abordagem que separe traficantes
Commissioners Gaviria, Obasanjo and Ramos-Horta dans Le Monde: “La production et la distribution de drogues légalement régulées par les Etats sont une meilleure alternative à la prohibition”
Trois anciens chefs d’Etats estiment, dans une tribune au « Monde », que la régulation légale de la production et de la distribution de drogues par les gouvernements constituent une meilleure solution que l’inefficace « guerre à la drogue », facteur de violence, de corruption et de régression économique. Read original article in Le Monde.
Commissioners Gaviria, Obasanjo and Ramos-Horta en El País: “No estamos ganando la guerra contra las drogas”
Read original article in El País. No estamos ganando la guerra contra las drogas Retiremos el control de los mercados de las manos de la delincuencia organizada Se estima que el mercado delictivo de las drogas asciende a entre 425.000 y 650.000 millones de dólares. Cada vez más recursos ―más de 100.000 millones
Commissioner Obasanjo in Project Syndicate: “West Africa’s Failed War on Drugs”
Read original article in Project Syndicate. The region’s drug laws are in desperate need of reform. To reduce the harm caused by the illegal drug trade while maintaining access to essential medicines and services, governments must stop punishing addicts. LAGOS – No matter where you look in West Africa, drug laws
Reuters: Former Nigerian Leader Obasanjo Urges West African Governments to Decriminalize Drugs
Read original article on Reuters BY AARON ROSS DAKAR (Reuters) – West African governments should overhaul their drug laws to decriminalize personal use and prioritize treatment as a response to rising substance abuse in the region, former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo said on Tuesday. In an interview before he was due
BBC World Service: “Nigeria’s Obasanjo speaks out on drug policy”
The Global Commission on Drug Policy – a group of eminent world leaders – has called for a rethink on drugs policy. They’ve released a new report saying the current attitude of stigmatising drugs is hindering effective policy-making, and argue that governments should be talking about ‘harm reduction’ rather than
It’s time that evidence, not stigma, drive SA’s drug policies
by Commissioners Obasanjo and Grover South Africa has taken a lead in the HIV response, but HIV won’t be overcome until the country faces some hard truths about drug abuse and its own prejudices. South Africa has paved the way for evidence-based prevention, treatment and care. The country defied private
Open Letter to President Obama
[Published in The Huffington Post, 9 January 2017] Mr. President, We wish to thank you for the great commitment you have shown to revisit the punitive approach to drug policy, particularly with regards to the pardon of low-level drug offenders. These individuals have committed no violent act, yet they have
Interview with Commissioner Obasanjo: “Der Drogenhandel in Westafrika muss durchdachter bekämpft werden”
Wohl wird nur ein Bruchteil des weltweit geschmuggelten Kokains in Westafrika umgeschlagen. Die erzielten Umsätze übersteigen aber die Budgets mancher Staaten. Eine intelligentere Antidrogenpolitik müsste sich auf die Bekämpfung der Folgen in den einzelnen Ländern konzentrieren. Dafür braucht Westafrika die Hilfe seiner Partner. „Die Polizei nahm mich fest. Als wir
Descriminalización de drogas
COLABORADOR INVITADO / Olusegun Obasanjo y Ricardo Lagos y Ruth Dreifuss 07 Sep. 2016 El 2016 ha sido un año fundamental para la política de drogas a nivel global. La evaluación de más de cincuenta años de un régimen prohibicionista ha resultado en reformas en países tan diversos como Jamaica,
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