PRESS RELEASE: Launch of new position paper “Drug Policy and Deprivation of Liberty”
(Stockholm, 13 June 2019) The Global Commission on Drug Policy today releases Drug Policy and Deprivation of Liberty, a new position paper focusing on the “perfect storm” created by current drug policies, incarceration, prison overcrowding and inadequate health care for people who use drugs. Detention fuels the spread of infectious
Commissioner Clark, Foreword to the 2018 Global Prison Trends report
PRI has launched its annual flagship publication, Global Prison Trends 2018. Here we publish the foreword to the report, written by the Rt Hon Helen Clark, a Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme. Read
War on Drugs an Epic Fail, BMJ Editors Say
Addiction is a health issue, not a moral failing, and physicians need to champion public policy changes that put treatment first and reverse the “absurd” focus on the war against drugs, which has never and will never work, say editors of the BMJ. “All wars cause human rights violations and