Richard Branson

Rethinking drug laws in a new global moment

Read the full blog entry on For the past nine years, I’ve had the privilege of being a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, a high-level group of former leaders in government, civil society and business. My fellow Commissioners and I have long argued that the only

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Commissioners Branson and Cattaui in Cannabis Pro/Globe and Mail: “Cannabis in the Americas: It’s time to talk about marijuana policy”

In this opinion piece, Sir Richard Branson and Maria Cattaui highlight the need for an effective regulatory framework for the growing international medical cannabis production and trade. Indeed, legalization is helping to end many of the harms related to decades-old prohibition; we must now ensure that we do not create

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Commissioner Branson: “Four drug policies proven to save lives”

Read original article in Virgin Earlier this month, I was saddened to see the Scottish Government’s latest statistics on drug-related deaths. The report stated there were 1,187 drug-related deaths last year. That’s a 27 per cent increase on the year before – the highest rate in the EU. Despite these

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