The EU is in danger of throwing out its balanced strategy on drugs
See the original article in The Financial Times During the last four decades, drugs and their consequences have become increasingly visible, triggering a public demand for a political response. The EU has been at the forefront of balanced policy-making on drugs, walking a fine line between repression and care. It has
Are we addicted to prison?
See the original article on The Daily Star We live in a world of mass incarceration. On this day on the planet, over 11 million people are behind bars. That’s about the entire population of Belgium. A relatively small fraction of these people in prison are women. They are about
Ruth Dreifuss quitte la présidence, mais reste engagée dans la Commission globale
Communiqué de la Commission globale de politique en matière de drogues . – Dépêche ATS reprise par Le Temps, 24-Heures, La Liberté. Ruth Dreifuss quitte la présidence de la Commission mondiale de politique sur les drogues à Genève. Après quatre ans à la piloter, elle va rester membre de l’instance.
Wir können belegen, dass eine andere Drogenpolitik erfolgreicher ist.
Dieser Artikel ist auf der Spiegel Online Webseite verfügbar. – Die ehemalige Schweizer Bundespräsidentin Ruth Dreifuss, 80, steht seit 2016 der „Weltkommission für Drogenpolitik“ vor, die sich für eine Wende im Umgang mit Cannabis und Co einsetzt. SPIEGEL: Frau Dreifuss, vor fast 50 Jahren haben die USA den „Krieg gegen
Prisons : il faut prendre acte de l’échec des politiques répressives
Lisez cette tribune sur le site du Monde – L’irruption de la Covid-19 dans les lieux de détention a souligné une fois de plus ce que tous les spécialistes savaient déjà : la surpopulation carcérale est un drame. Face à l’urgence, de nombreux pays ont laissé sortir des détenus incarcérés
Ruth Dreifuss in Al Jazeera: “States must take control of drug markets”
In a May 7, 2020 interview with Al Jazeera’s, Kim Vinnell, Former President of Switzerland and Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Ruth Dreifuss presents the findings of the report, “Enforcement of Drug Laws: Refocusing on Organized Crime Elites” and explains why the criminalization and prohibition of drugs
Commissioners Dreifuss, Cardoso and Clark in Bangkok Post: “Time to let non-violent drug offenders out of jail”
Read original article in Bangkok Post Outdated criminal and correctional laws are threatening the lives of over 1.6 million people incarcerated for non-violent offences. Countries are failing to meet their basic needs and rights. They are also depriving societies of a vital workforce. By releasing people incarcerated for non-violent offences
Ruth Dreifuss in BFM 89.9 Interview: “Rethinking Drug Policy in Malaysia”
Link to interview and other podcasts by BFM 89.9.
Ruth Dreifuss dans RTS: “Drogue, conquête et guerres” et “Bonus: interview de Ruth Dreifuss sur le thème de la drogue”
Écoutez l’interview dans RTS. Bonus: interview de Ruth Dreifuss sur le thème de la drogue Écoutez l’interview dans RTS.
Ruth Dreifuss in The Jakarta Post: “Discourse: Decriminalizing drugs for public health”
Read original article in The Jakarta Post Switzerland’s drastic change in drug policy followed soaring HIV infection rates related to a heroin epidemic in the late 1980s and 1990s. Switzerland introduced substitution treatment and other harm reduction measures such as supervised injection rooms, which reportedly decreased incidences of drug users