Ruth Dreifuss, Vorsitzende der Weltkommission, schreibt über Kofi Annan und Drogenpolitik in dem Tagesanzeiger
Eine fortschrittliche Drogenpolitik ist ganz im Sinne von Kofi Annan Der verstorbene UNO-Generalsekretär hat sich für eine Drogenpolitik eingesetzt, die Konsumenten entkriminalisiert und ihnen Zugang zu Medikamenten verschafft. Seine Arbeit wird fortgesetzt. In Genf treffen nächste Woche Vertreter aller Länder zur Weltgesundheitsversammlung zusammen. Einer jedoch, der viel dafür getan hat,
Commissioners Dreifuss, Santos and Zedillo, Project Syndicate: “Legalization Is the Only Viable Drug Policy”
Read original article on Project Syndicate After decades of wasted money and lost lives, it is time for governments to stop prosecuting a futile war on psychoactive substances, and instead embrace drug legalization and regulation. Only by taking back control of the drug market from criminals can policymakers begin to
Commissioners Clark and Dreifuss on Swiss Radio talking about “The Lost Decade in the War on Drugs”
Helen Clark et Ruth Dreifuss, membres de la Commission globale, commentent la faillite de la dernière décennie de politique internationale de contrôle des drogues sur la radio RTS. Écouter l’audio (2′)
Ruth Dreifuss and Bill Richardson in The Daily Caller: “Abstinence from punishment, a path to address the opioid crisis”
By Bill Richardson, former Governor of New Mexico, and Ruth Dreifuss, former President of Switzerland and Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy* More than 70’000 people died from a drug overdose in 2017 in the United States, according to reports. This sets yet a new record, emphasizing the
Ruth Dreifuss sur Radio Neuchâtel, Suisse: “Pour une régulation du marché de la drogue”
Place publique a reçu Ruth Dreifuss, ancienne présidente de la Confédération, et initiatrice de la politique suisse en matière de toxicomanie. Écouter l’interview sur RTN.
Part II of Ruth Dreifuss interview with 95bFM, New Zealand
Listen to interview. Ruth Dreifuss discusses on radio 95bFM in New Zealand the Global Commission’s recent report, Regulation: the responsible control of drugs, and talks about what the current global drug control stance, the cultural difference between alcohol and drugs and what is meant by regulation. (This is part II of a series
Press release: The Global Commission on Drug Policy congratulates its chair Ruth Dreifuss, co-recipient of the Stockholm Prize in Criminology
(Geneva, 7 November 2018) The members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy wish to extend their congratulations to Ruth Dreifuss, former president of Switzerland and Chair of the Global Commission, as well as Peter Reuter, Director of the Program on the Economics of Crime and Justice Policy at the
Ruth Dreifuss on 95bFM, New Zealand: “Drug Regulation Over Prohibition”
Listen to interview. Ruth Dreifuss discusses on radio 95bFM in New Zealand the Global Commission’s recent report, Regulation: the responsible control of drugs, and talks about what the current global drug control stance, the cultural difference between alcohol and drugs and what is meant by regulation. (This is part I of a series
Ruth Dreifuss on Radio New Zealand: “Regulation vs the War on Drugs”
Listen to interview. Ruth Dreifuss, Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy and former President of Switzerland, speaks to Kathryn Ryan, host of the “Nine to Noon” show on Radio New Zealand, about the failure of the so-called “war on drugs” and how the legal regulation of drugs offers
Commissioners Dreifuss and Ramos-Horta: “Anti-drug drive” threatens development
Read original article in The Daily Star One of the most densely populated countries in the world, Bangladesh faces formidable challenges to eradicate poverty and provide sustainable development to its communities. Yet the country has been successful in the past decade in rising to these challenges. According to the World Bank,