Interview on Medi1 on the Model Drug Law for West Africa, winning project at the Paris Peace Forum
At the Paris Peace Forum 2019, the Model Drug Law for West Africa by the West Africa Commission on Drugs and the Kofi Annan Foundation was selected as one of ten winning projects. Interview on Medi1 with Christine Kafando, member of the West Africa Commission on Drugs: Link to podcast.
PRESS RELEASE: Model Drug Law for West Africa selected as one of ten winning projects at the Paris Peace Forum 2019
Télécharger le communiqué en français (Geneva, 13 November 2019) The West Africa Commission on Drugs and the Global Commission on Drug Policy are honored that the Model Drug Law for West Africa was selected as one of ten winning projects at the Paris Peace Forum 2019 among the 114 showcased.
PRESS RELEASE: Model Drug Law for West Africa presented to ministers of health on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the World Health Assembly
Télécharger la version française GENEVA, 22 May 2019—The West Africa Commission on Drugs, UNAIDS and the Global Commission on Drug Policy today presented the Model Drug Law for West Africa to ministers of health of the Economic Community of West African States. Drug laws in western Africa are not having
Ruth Dreifuss et Pedro Pires dans Jeune Afrique: “Il faut innover en matière de lutte anti-drogue”
“Les lois actuelles sur les drogues en Afrique de l’Ouest sont loin de produire les résultats escomptés : les trafiquants se servent des côtes et du Sahara pour le transit de la cocaïne acheminée vers l’Europe et la consommation locale ne cesse d’augmenter. Les réponses publiques basées sur la prohibition sont