Commissioner Obasanjo on the Model Drug Law for West Africa and the need for sensible drug policies
Read the original article on Medium. Replacing the War on Drugs: it is time for sensible drug policies Peace and war take many forms. When US President Nixon declared a War on Drugs in 1971 it sounded like a swift concerted effort after which there would be peace, something better
Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria, interviewed by Portuguese news agency LUSA
Read original article on RTP. A guerra contra a droga baseada na proibição falhou diz Ex-PR Obasanjo (The war on drugs based on prohibition has failed) O presidente da Comissão Oeste Africana sobre Drogas disse hoje que a guerra contra a droga falhou, defendendo uma nova abordagem que separe traficantes
PRESS RELEASE: Model Drug Law for West Africa presented to ministers of health on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the World Health Assembly
Télécharger la version française GENEVA, 22 May 2019—The West Africa Commission on Drugs, UNAIDS and the Global Commission on Drug Policy today presented the Model Drug Law for West Africa to ministers of health of the Economic Community of West African States. Drug laws in western Africa are not having
Commissioner Obasanjo in Project Syndicate: “West Africa’s Failed War on Drugs”
Read original article in Project Syndicate. The region’s drug laws are in desperate need of reform. To reduce the harm caused by the illegal drug trade while maintaining access to essential medicines and services, governments must stop punishing addicts. LAGOS – No matter where you look in West Africa, drug laws
Ruth Dreifuss et Pedro Pires dans Jeune Afrique: “Il faut innover en matière de lutte anti-drogue”
“Les lois actuelles sur les drogues en Afrique de l’Ouest sont loin de produire les résultats escomptés : les trafiquants se servent des côtes et du Sahara pour le transit de la cocaïne acheminée vers l’Europe et la consommation locale ne cesse d’augmenter. Les réponses publiques basées sur la prohibition sont
Reuters: Former Nigerian Leader Obasanjo Urges West African Governments to Decriminalize Drugs
Read original article on Reuters BY AARON ROSS DAKAR (Reuters) – West African governments should overhaul their drug laws to decriminalize personal use and prioritize treatment as a response to rising substance abuse in the region, former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo said on Tuesday. In an interview before he was due
Interview with Commissioner Obasanjo: “Der Drogenhandel in Westafrika muss durchdachter bekämpft werden”
Wohl wird nur ein Bruchteil des weltweit geschmuggelten Kokains in Westafrika umgeschlagen. Die erzielten Umsätze übersteigen aber die Budgets mancher Staaten. Eine intelligentere Antidrogenpolitik müsste sich auf die Bekämpfung der Folgen in den einzelnen Ländern konzentrieren. Dafür braucht Westafrika die Hilfe seiner Partner. „Die Polizei nahm mich fest. Als wir