Ruth Dreifuss on Radio New Zealand: “Regulation vs the War on Drugs”
Listen to interview. Ruth Dreifuss, Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy and former President of Switzerland, speaks to Kathryn Ryan, host of the “Nine to Noon” show on Radio New Zealand, about the failure of the so-called “war on drugs” and how the legal regulation of drugs offers
ABC News Australia: “Drug decriminalisation a ‘blindingly obvious’ solution for Australia”
Read original article in ABC News Australia. Medical, legal and religious groups have joined forces to call for drugs to be decriminalised in Australia, arguing addiction should be treated as a health issue rather than a criminal one. The Fair Treatment campaign is being led by the Uniting Church with
Michel Kazatchkine: “la politique de répression ne fonctionne pas”
Lire l’article original dans Sciences et Avenir << Pour Michel Kazatchkine, médecin et diplomate, l’argent investi dans une répression policière inefficace devrait être réaffecté à une politique de soins et à la lutte contre la grande criminalité. >>
Commissioner Vargas Llosa in El Pais: La percepción de las drogas
La Comisión Global de Políticas de Drogas, que presidió el exmandatario brasileño Fernando Henrique Cardoso y tiene ahora como directora a Ruth Dreifuss, expresidenta de Suiza, está integrada por políticos, funcionarios internacionales, científicos e intelectuales de diversos países del mundo y lleva a cabo desde el año 2011 una valiosa
Commissioner Clark answers “Three Questions” for Financial Times Health
Three questions FT: We spoke to Helen Clark, former New Zealand prime minister, ex-chair of the UN Development Group and a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, about its new report: The World Drug Perception Problem. Recommendations include shifts in language such as “people who use drugs” instead of “abusers”
BBC World Service: “Nigeria’s Obasanjo speaks out on drug policy”
The Global Commission on Drug Policy – a group of eminent world leaders – has called for a rethink on drugs policy. They’ve released a new report saying the current attitude of stigmatising drugs is hindering effective policy-making, and argue that governments should be talking about ‘harm reduction’ rather than
LUSA/DN: “Relatório defende mudança de percepções para facilitar reformas sobre drogas”
Perceções erradas sobre o consumo de drogas alimentam políticas de proibição e repressão que continuam sem resolver o problema, alerta um relatório internacional publicado hoje em Londres, em que Portugal é considerado um exemplo positivo. O relatório “The World Drug Perception Problem” [O Problema Global da Perceção das Drogas], produzido
Talking Policy: César Gaviria on the Peace Treaty and Drug Policy in Colombia
César Gaviria [member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy] governed Colombia from 1990-1994, during which time he fought Pablo Escobar’s Medellín drug cartel and oversaw the civil war between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Recently, the Colombian government signed a landmark peace deal with the FARC
Drogues: «Il faut franchir le pas de la régulation des marchés»
Présidente de la « Commission globale sur la politique des drogues », Ruth Dreifuss regrette que la France reste à « mi-gué » avec la future création d’une amende punissant l’usage de cannabis. En juin 2011, plusieurs anciens dirigeants internationaux, dont l’ancien secrétaire général des Nations unies Kofi Annan et les anciens présidents du Brésil, du