La criminalización del uso de drogas es dañina (The criminalization of drug use causes harm)
Comisionado Michel Kazatchkine, ex Director Ejecutivo del Fondo Munidal para la lucha contra el VIH/Sida, la tuberculosis y la malaria, explica en una entrevista sobre los daños causados por las políticas represivas de drogas. Para Kazatchkine es hora de que los gobiernos piensen en una ‘regulación legal’. Lea el artículo
Interview with Commissioner Gaviria: “Die droguenpolitik ist grundverkehrt” (Drug policy is wrong from the ground up)
A new UNO report shows a dramatic increase in the production and consumption of illicit drugs all over the world. César Gaviria from the Global Commission on Drug Policy calls for a new approach. Read original article in German in the NZZ am Sonntag here. Die droguenpolitik ist grundverkehrtDie droguenpolitik
Southeast Asia seeks new solutions to drug crisis
Swissinfo interviews Commissioner Ruth Dreifuss on her advocacy visit early April to Southeast Asia, addressing in particular the policy shift in the region towards health-based solutions for chronic drug abuse – a notable evolution in a region long known for its “tough-on-drugs” position. Please read article here. Available in ten
Entretien avec Ruth Dreifuss dans Globe
Interview with Ruth Dreifuss in Globe, quarterly magazine of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (in French). Entretien avec Ruth Dreifuss, présidente de la Commission globale, dans Globe, revue trimestrielle de l’IHEID, Genève. Read article
Interview with César Gaviria in El Papel/El Mundo
César Gaviria, former President of Colombia and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy gave an interview to El Papel, Sunday supplement of El Mundo, on his journey advocating for drug policy reform. To read the article in Spanish, click here.
Interview with Ruth Dreifuss on Al Jazeera
Ruth Dreifuss, Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, answers questions on Al Jazeera regarding the decriminalization of drug consumption and possession for personal use, in the context of a change in drug policy in Thailand towards a less repressive regime. Click here to view interview.
Interview with Chair Dreifuss: “How U.S. Drug Policy Looks to the Rest of the World – And how it might change under Donald Trump”
By Francie Diep Activists and family members of loved ones who died in the opioid epidemic take part in a rally on September 18th, 2016, in Washington, D.C. (Photo: John Moore/Getty Images) Sometimes, to understand something, you have to take an outsider’s point of view. That’s why, to get perspective
Interview with Commissioner Obasanjo: “Der Drogenhandel in Westafrika muss durchdachter bekämpft werden”
Wohl wird nur ein Bruchteil des weltweit geschmuggelten Kokains in Westafrika umgeschlagen. Die erzielten Umsätze übersteigen aber die Budgets mancher Staaten. Eine intelligentere Antidrogenpolitik müsste sich auf die Bekämpfung der Folgen in den einzelnen Ländern konzentrieren. Dafür braucht Westafrika die Hilfe seiner Partner. „Die Polizei nahm mich fest. Als wir