Prisons : il faut prendre acte de l’échec des politiques répressives
Lisez cette tribune sur le site du Monde – L’irruption de la Covid-19 dans les lieux de détention a souligné une fois de plus ce que tous les spécialistes savaient déjà : la surpopulation carcérale est un drame. Face à l’urgence, de nombreux pays ont laissé sortir des détenus incarcérés
Après la crise du Covid-19, il faut légaliser le cannabis, vite !
Lire cette tribune sur le site du Nouvel Observateur – Emmenés par le député des Bouches-du-Rhône François-Michel Lambert, une soixantaine d’élus de tous bords (LREM, EELV, UDI, LFI, LR) et des médecins estiment que la légalisation du cannabis est une des solutions du monde d’après Covid-19. En juin 2019, avec
Fernando Henrique Cardoso in Folha de Londrina (Brazil): “Repressão não é solução para no combate às drogas diz, FHC” (Repression is no solution in the fight against drugs says, FHC)
Read original article in Folha de Londrina (Brazil) Folha de Londrina by Amanda Lemos O ex-presidente FHC (Fernando Henrique Cardoso) disse neste sábado (7) que o combate às drogas não se deve ser feito com repressão e que é a favor de uma regulamentação de medicamentos à base de Cannabis
Commissioner Gallop presents the case for legalizing cannabis on WA Drive, ABC radio, Australia
Dr Geoff Gallop, former Premier of Western Australia, makes the case for a pragmatic and health-centered drug policy, including the legal regulation of cannabis.
Commissioner Helen Clark in the Asahi Shimbun: “Alcohol, tobacco more harmful than cannabis”
Commissioner Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand and former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, reaches out to the Japanese public in an interview with the Asahi Shimbun on the need to classify drugs according to a scientific assessment of their harms, and to legally regulate drugs.
Commissioner Maria Cattaui speaks to Bloomberg about the need to regulate all drugs
States should take charge of and regulate all drugs: Global Commission on Drug Policy The Global Commission on Drug Policy says that in a perfect world, states would take charge and regulate all drugs. For more on this, BNN Bloomberg spoke with commissioner Maria Cattaui. Link to video
Op-Ed by Commissioner Helen Clark in The Guardian: “Cannabis prohibition doesn’t work anywhere. It’s New Zealand’s turn to legalise it”
Read original article in The Guardian. Cannabis prohibition doesn’t work anywhere. It’s New Zealand’s turn to legalise it In New Zealand, cannabis is classified as an illegal drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. Its possession, use and supply are subject variously to penalties ranging in severity from fines to
Interview with Commissioner Helen Clark on the 2020 Referendum in New Zealand to legalize cannabis
Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, gave her support to a YES vote in the upcoming cannabis referendum. On 4 September, the Helen Clark Foundation released a report outlining the reasons
Ruth Dreifuss on CNN Money Switzerland
On the margins of the Geneva Drug Policy Week, interview with Ruth Dreifuss, Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, on CNN Money Switzerland. Link to video interview.
Commissioner Michel Kazatchine and Executive Secretary Khalid Tinasti sign a call in L’OBS for the legalization of cannabis in France
Read original article in L’OBS. « Pourquoi nous voulons légaliser le cannabis » La une de « l’Obs », du 20 au 26 juin 2019. (« L’Obs ») EXCLUSIF. Dénonçant la faillite de la politique de répression, 70 personnalités – Glucksmann, Jadot, Kouchner… – appellent à la légalisation du cannabis. En matière de cannabis, le