Ruth Dreifuss on Medium for the Paris Peace Forum: “We need a cohesive and relevant international drug control system”
Read original article on Medium. The international drug control system is broken. Since this system was established in 1961 with the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, it has consistently sought to enforce a policy of prohibition, with the aim of eradicating drugs from society. Not only is the failure
Commissioner Clark: Another decade lost to the global war on drugs
Read original article in The Hill. In my experience as head of my country’s government and previously a health minister, as a former senior official at the United Nations, and more recently as a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, I’ve found debates on drug policy tend to be divisive
The Intercept: Trump gets 100 countries to sign on to his U.N. drug war plan, ignoring changing thinking on human rights and legalization
Read original article in The Intercept. THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION announced last week that it would kick off the United Nations General Assembly with an event inviting member states to join a revamped U.S. war on drugs. On Monday, Donald Trump got his drug meeting — but not quite everyone signed on. Billed as
TMN: “America’s ‘new’ global anti-drug plan embraces old-school eradication policies”
Read original article in Talk Media News. UNITED NATIONS — President Trump kicked off a busy week at the U.N. on Monday, hosting a meeting on the “world drug problem.” The U.S.-sponsored event was invite-only, and to earn a spot in the room, countries needed to sign on to a four-part
Khalid Tinasti in The Hill: “International drug policy: Is the UN becoming irrelevant?”
Read Original Article in The Hill When the wave of adult marijuana legalization in some states started in 2013, the position of the federal authorities regarding the government’s international obligations to prohibit drugs was based on a flexible interpretation of the United Nations drug conventions, commonly known as the Brownfield doctrine. The legality
Decriminalizing of drugs, the only pathway by Presidents Obasanjo, Lagos and Dreifuss
Drug trafficking and the black market are, to a large extent, a direct consequence of the international drug control system and the national laws that are derived therefrom. 2016 has been a pivotal year for drug policy on a global level. THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 2016. BRENNAN LINSLEY/AP/SIPA The review of