A no vote won’t deliver a cannabis-free New Zealand

Read the entire article on NZ Herald .  The case for legalisation was evidence-based. It weighed up the harms caused by prohibition against the potential for harm from cannabis use. It took into account that cannabis has for decades been a very widely available recreational drug in New Zealand and

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«La régulation peut limiter l’aspect criminel du débat sur les drogues»

Voir l’article & la vidéo sur le site du Temps Peut-on réellement en finir avec le trafic de drogue? Pour en discuter, Khalid Tinasti, directeur de la commission mondiale pour la politique des drogues, a animé une conférence en ligne sur le site du «Temps»

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The EU is in danger of throwing out its balanced strategy on drugs

See the original article in The Financial Times During the last four decades, drugs and their consequences have become increasingly visible, triggering a public demand for a political response. The EU has been at the forefront of balanced policy-making on drugs, walking a fine line between repression and care. It has

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Are we addicted to prison?

See the original article on The Daily Star We live in a world of mass incarceration. On this day on the planet, over 11 million people are behind bars. That’s about the entire population of Belgium. A relatively small fraction of these people in prison are women. They are about

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President Behind Mexico’s War on Drugs Admitted It Was ‘Unwinnable’

See the original article on Vice At the height of Mexico’s deadly war on drug cartels, its chief architect privately admitted it was “unwinnable” and that legalising drugs was the only way out, VICE News has learned. That architect is Felipe Calderón, Mexico’s former president. Calderón was unrepentant in his

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Maroc : la prohibition du cannabis en question

Lire l’original sur Jeune Afrique Transformer le rôle de l’UE dans le contrôle du cannabis au Maroc L’Europe a joué un rôle déterminant, depuis 1906, dans le contrôle du cannabis au Maroc. Il s’agissait dans un premier temps d’exploiter cette ressource légalement ; puis de la prohiber dans le cadre de

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“Admettons nos erreurs.”

Lire l’original sur Jeune Afrique . – Lorsque nous dirigions nos pays respectifs, le Nigéria et l’Afrique du Sud – les deux plus importantes économies du continent – nos gouvernements rêvaient d’accomplir bien des choses. Entre autres, de créer des sociétés exemptes de drogues. Nous avions tort. Nous avions tort

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“Let’s admit we were wrong.”

See the original article on Africa Report . – When we were Presidents of Nigeria and South Africa – the largest economies on the continent – our Administrations dreamt of many things. One in particular was to create drug-free societies. We were wrong. We were wrong because we thought prohibition,

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Ruth Dreifuss quitte la présidence, mais reste engagée dans la Commission globale

Communiqué de la Commission globale de politique en matière de drogues . – Dépêche ATS reprise par Le Temps, 24-Heures, La Liberté. Ruth Dreifuss quitte la présidence de la Commission mondiale de politique sur les drogues à Genève. Après quatre ans à la piloter, elle va rester membre de l’instance.

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New Zealand is the next country to fight the prohibition of cannabis, and high time too.

Read the entire article on The Independent. – This year, New Zealanders have the opportunity to turn their backs on the futile policy of trying to prohibit the use and supply of cannabis. For decades, these activities have been criminalised, blighting the future prospects of many and wasting public funding

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